⭐️The Betconix Lanchpad project has started its work on the BETCONIX cryptocurrency exchange. (platform for listing and conducting IEO on a crypto exchange).

Andrey Plat
1 min readApr 3, 2021


⭐️The Betconix Lanchpad project has started its work on the BETCONIX cryptocurrency exchange. (platform for listing and conducting IEO on a crypto exchange).

Betconix Lanchpad is:
✅ A platform for listing and IEO projects, where the decision is made only by users by voting among users.
✅ A platform where projects offer users their tokens, at a discount cheaper than, these tokens will be traded on the exchange, after the listing.
✅ The most honest and profitable platform in the crypto currency market.

⚡️Are you a user?
Get tokens cheaper than the market price and support the project you believe in.

⚡️Are you the project owner?
You have a chance to present your project to an audience of more than 100,000 active users, for free, as well as to be listed or hold an IEO on the fastest-growing exchange of 2021, BETCONIX.
We want you to spend money on finalizing the project and encouraging users, and not on exchange payments.
Depending on your project, you may be admitted to the Betconix Lanchpad platform for free

We allow tokens only after passing the audit.

BETCONIX reserves the right to refuse to allow the project to vote on the Betconix Lanchpad.

Welcome to: https://betconix.com/vote/future_projects



Andrey Plat

Blockchain projects, promotion and development. Open source intelligence (OSINT). Non-standard tasks, with non-standard execution.