Listing of the token on a crypto exchange. Guide to the correct token listing or how not to go broke on the listing.
It is no secret that virtually any project has a goal, will be added to the crypto exchanges.
Well, actually all the dream came true, well, and on coinmarketcap, everything will be added… Now only count the money..
But as practice shows, everything is not always as rosy as our imagination draws.
Listing tokens is a delicate matter, and in life everything happens very often not according to plan.
And so, what are the difficulties and what are the main mistakes when listing tokens.
Just make a reservation, we are considering an average project that does not have a million-dollar budget, but has a good idea and is useful for the market (if you take for example STC ,which has a banner hung on coinmarketcap (CMC) for a month, and there is a price of 1000 USDT per day, or BNIX, for which there is a whole crypto exchange, everything is clear).
We will talk to you about the average project, let’s call it conditionally «VCTOKEN».
Immediately at the first stage, we will forget about the whales of the market like Binance, Kraken, we are too small a fish, they will not hush us up yet. First, even if your project is super popular, you will still need a security deposit when listing, and it may well reach 100,000 USD or more.
Secondly, in order to simply apply, you must have a real trading volume, and you must trade on at least two exchanges.
But we are not sad, we go down lower.
Let’s look at the exchange from the list from 100 to 200 on the list, for example, something in the spirit of BitForex, VinDax, P2PB2B, here the price is already more than the earth value from around +\- 20 000 USDT.
In the trailer is not a bad option, but again, BUT! And what will you get with this money?
Correctly, you will only get a listing, and perhaps two accounts for market makers with zero trading commission, and everything, it would seem, is so necessary, but not always, about what «bonus» you can get a bonus, we will talk a little later.
The main question that you should have asked yourself is what goals you are pursuing when listing a token.
Most frequent responses:
— I want to get on CoinMarketCap.
— I want to start trading the token.
— I want to sell the token and earn money so that I can start generating income.
Perhaps I will disappoint you, first of all, it is unlikely that you will achieve this goal, with the listing that we described above, well, or at least overpay about 10k.
— I want to get on CoinMarketCap.
It is not very clear why you should pay 15–20k for this.
You may well be added to smaller exchanges, or to decentralized ones, for example, Uniswap and adding to two exchanges, you may well be able to apply for a listing on the CoinMarketCap service, and this will cost your project no more than 3–4 thousand (I will write a little more in detail on what you will spend), another question is whether you need to go to CMC now…..
— I want to start trading the token.
— I want to sell the token and earn money so that I can start generating income.
Do not even expect that on exchanges of this type, your token will immediately start trading and buying.
I will tell you more than that, in your case, many restrictions will be specified, for example, if the spread is more than 30%, they can delist, if the price has fallen sharply below 20%, they can delist, if there are few orders in the glass, they can delist, in other words, it is easier to fly from the exchange to flatten you. By the way, you can also be removed from the list on CoinMarketCap, and this is already a fiasco.
To avoid this, you have an additional expense after the listing, you will have to use the services of market makers.
Market makers working with exchanges of this type will cost you from 3 to 4 thousand USD per month.
Market makers will not be able to make money for you, but they are needed at the initial stage so that your market is organized, and there are no spreads of plus or minus 70% in half an hour.
To start, separate the tasks separately :
— one to get on services like CoinMarketCap;
— the second is to start selling the token and make a profit,
As a rule, at this stage of the path, your token, to the very top of the crypto pyramid, these are two different tasks.
And so, at this stage, you need to find exchanges that can give you a real trading volume, as well as additional advantages.
Look for exchanges on different services, not only CoinMarketCap, study Coincodex, look at one of the most honest resources Coinpaprica (which, unlike the same coinmarketcap, did not get into scandals about unfair «play»), see the activity of the exchange’s audience, and users in social networks.
We look at the level exchanges, the token listing on the Betconix, Exrates, KickEX exchange. About this level
Your exchange option is:
An exchange with a trading volume of 49 to 65 million per day (if the exchange has a very large volume, but it is not on the services, it has no activity, and the exchange itself is made somehow it is clear that this is a twisted volume), we do not need to amuse our self-esteem, but to get real income and start trading.
On the exchange, there should not be consecutive listings of different projects, on the contrary, we are looking for an option where the exchange approaches the choice of the project in detail, this will allow you not to get lost among the flow of scam projects, but to become a noticeable token for users of this exchange, and your listing will be a real event.
Why does the exchange on necessarily have to be on coinmarketcap?
— First, again, everything is simple, for the fact that the exchange is on coinmarketcap, you will already be billed for a large amount, will be given a higher price for listing, and you will again pay for air, do not forget our goal now is real trading, and access to additional tools.
— Secondly, if the exchange is not on coinmarketcap, while it is on other services, and it works successfully and there are users, then it is clear that the exchange is used by real users because the exchange is convenient or profitable for users, or they trust it, in any case, people have a reason to be on this exchange.
Once you have selected several exchanges, study the following factors. The first is what options the exchange offers to users, the more options on the exchange, the more options you can offer to your users.
Second, specify the price of the listing, and now about the very «bonus» that I wrote at the beginning, some exchanges offer an additional one. bonus in marketing, in free or not expensive market makers and other nice bonuses.
As a rule, the cost of listing on such exchanges ranges from 3 to 8 thousand.
The exchange that we selected and analyzed can offer three different packages from 3 to 7 thousand USD.
At the same time, in addition to listing tokens, the following bonuses are offered :
— very cheap services of market makers;
— provision of 4 accounts with zero commission for trading;
— social media marketing;
— placing a press release about the listing in serious crypto media;
— the most loyal conditions for delisting;
— even adding a project to services such as coincodex, cryptocompare and others;
agree not bad if you compare it simply with the listing 😉 ).
In addition to all of the above, given that we chose the exchange with additional features in mind, we provided access to the users of our «VCTOKEN» to:
— mobile application;
— user access to the loan and deposit program;
— to the voting platform and more;
In my opinion, it is very good, it is unlikely that anything will increase the trust in the token more, except for the fact that the user gets the opportunity, having a token on the account, to go to a conditional Walmart, and pay with a card having our «labTOKEN» on the account.
In my opinion, cool and most importantly all this is roughly speaking for 4 thousand USD and payment of market makers. In short, you can read more about it yourself in the programs:
Go ahead, the token has started trading, a happy user buys in stores on a plastic card, it’s time to go on the offensive not CMC, and conquer the whales of the market
Next, we can go two ways.
The first, for example, will connect to one decentralized exchange, such as UNISWAP, and then connect to one or two small ones, such as Exrates, then go on the offensive on the” Moby-dick crypto market “ Kraken.
But do not forget, we have already launched trading on the first exchange and received a lot of bonuses, and the token is already generating income, so it is much more reasonable to do so, at the expense of the funds received from trading the token.:
— First, we register on a small exchange.
— Secondly, we are already registering on the exchanges of the level as we were at the beginning of the post.
And only after that we take a spear, a boat and attack our whales, even if you need to be listed on another exchange, we have financial support from trading on the first exchange, and it doesn’t seem so scary anymore.
And you approach your final goal already, having a good income, a liquid token, and even the option of using plastic cards for your token and Fiat, if you compare with what we were at the beginning of the article, a semi-poor project with the last money that was listed on an average exchange…
But it is always up to you to decide our opinion a gradual competent approach will give a much greater effect in the listing than trying to break through the wall with your forehead.