The BETCONIX cryptocurrency exchange announced the release of its own trading robot, with options for analogues of which there are no in the cryptocurrency market, including automatic margin trading.

Andrey Plat
2 min readJan 12, 2021


The BETCONIX cryptocurrency exchange announced the release of its own trading robot, with options for analogues of which there are no in the cryptocurrency market, including automatic margin trading.

to the cryptocurrency management, the BETCONIX exchange began developing a
trading robot, the main feature of this trading robot is automated access to
margin trading, but there are other innovations.

The main functions and features of the robot:

Both spot trading and margin trading will be available for trading through the robot.

The automatic currency conversion function is also planned.

The function of binding many trade indicators

Ready-made trade strategies will be introduced.

According to the developers, in the trading robot from BETCONIX, fine-tuning will also be available (the user can configure the robot as he needs it).

Additional options:

Over time, it is planned to add users to the interface, chat, and connect information news sites on cryptocurrencies, for announcing news on those currencies that the user trades.

developers say that their goal is to make the interface as user-friendly as
possible, according to the plan, the first prototype can be tested by the end
of February.

For the
final test of a trading robot, it is planned to attract a number of users
trading on BETCONIX.

management promises to allocate funds to reward attracted testers.

Whether a
robot subscription will be paid for BETCONIX users or not.

No final
decision has yet been made.

to BETCONIX management, if we take a commission for the use of a merchant
robot, you can significantly reduce it, like other commissions on our exchange,
paying for them with a BNIX exchange token.

also plans to announce a competition with an award in 100USD for the best
offer, for refinement into functionality and options, the leading BETCONIX
trading robot.

BETCONIX has already been noted on the market, with its innovative approach to
listing projects by voting users. And other innovations.

Against the
background of the COO BETCONIX statement:

the end of 2021, we may not become the number one exchange in terms of trade
turnover, but we will definitely become the number one exchange in terms of
user convenience and innovation.

The volume
of finance is important at the moment, but looking ahead, the future is for
innovation and new tools. “

The creation of its own trading robot, with options new to the cryptocurrency market, looks like a logical move in the development of BETCONIX.

Based on the materials:



Andrey Plat

Blockchain projects, promotion and development. Open source intelligence (OSINT). Non-standard tasks, with non-standard execution.